Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hey not sure how often you check this or how busy you are, but I would really appreciate an opportunity to skype with you for a while if you have the chance sometime over the next couple days. I'm sorry I missed you last weekend, I was in a place where I had no reception. If you know of a time that works, feel free to message me, otherwise I'll just try and be on and keep a general lookout.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Just wanted to let you know that you are thought of dear reader. Its beautiful snow outside and its pretty fantastic though I think I won't be getting out much for a bit here.  Hope to hear something from you soon.

Friday, January 3, 2014

More Content Coming Monday.

Well I havn't posted nearly as much as I want, but travel and helping parents unpack and myself finally getting things in the house has been a bit hectic along with everything else. I'm having grandparent christmas this weekend so I'll still be gone, but should be back and have some stuff to share and talk about on monday when I get back (Weather dependant)

Monday, December 30, 2013

A New Year

Well I am going to have quiet the crazy day today as I will be flying back tomorrow morning so I wont be able to post quiet as much as I intended, most of that will have to wait a day or so for me to get settled once I get there.  So I'll just keep this post simple than.  Happy Birthday. Have a fantastic day day and I wish you the best my dear reader.

Friday, December 27, 2013


Definitely had a good sunset, combine with good music and a good little chill moment.

474 Things to do when you're bored.

Allright this list is fantastic, lol. Thank you for this dear reader. Okay for a few of my favorites

Fly a brick.

Paint striped on a lake

Open Everything

Tattoo your dresser

Develop hearing problems (I'm good at this one)

Also in other cool news of Christmas Gifts, I ended up getting a hardcover book of some of Edger Allen Poes works, from just over 100 years ago.  I like old books and Poe a lot, it's pretty awesome, I'll add a picture up here later.